A parent-based treatment for child anxiety and OCD that can help reduce your child's anxiety and improve functioning.

Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)



For parents of toddlers, children, and teens who are looking for support managing their child's anxiety.

Work one-on-one with a therapist to create an individualized game plan for your unique child and get guidance every step of the way as you learn to feel confident executing it.

A 4-week group for parents of children and teens who struggle with clinical anxiety and  OCD disorders.

This group will give you the tools, skills, and confidence you need to help your child learn to cope with their anxiety symptoms.

Group Support

By altering the way parents respond to their child when they are in distress, parents can learn how to lessen their child's anxiety, all without asking the child to change their behavior in any way.

Panic disorder & Agoraphobia

Selective mutism

Fears and phobias

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Separation Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety

Anxiety problems treated with SPACE include:

SPACE is a parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems developed by Dr. Eli Lebowitz at the Yale Child Study Center. It has been proven to be as effective as CBT in randomized, controlled clinical trials at reducing symptoms of clinical anxiety.

SPACE does not required you to imposes changes on your child’s behaviors. Instead, you will learn how to alleviate their anxiety by altering the way you respond to them. This group will teach you how to shift from engaging in “accommodating’ behaviors to effectively communicating your support in a way that strengthens their ability to cope.

The feeling of anxiety is not inherently dangerous. However when humans have an anxiety disorder we have an overinflated sense of threat. You will learn how to help your child quiet this fire alarm in their brain by leaning into your parent-child relationship and focusing on your child's attachment drives.

Whether you’ve tried other approaches or this is your first time addressing these struggles, this group will provide you with thorough understanding of anxiety as well as a framework for effectively supporting your child through your parent-child connect.  

What is Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)?

Want to learn more about SPACE?

Listen to Dr. Sarah Bren's Securely Attached podcast interview with the doctor who developed SPACE at the Yale Child Study Center, Dr. Eli Lebowitz.

Book a free assessment call

Fill out the form below and we will set up a free, initial consultation. From here, we can guide you to a custom plan of support that is unique to your situation or your family.